Sunday 4 July 2010

Peninsular Rock Agama

We spotted this lizard at the KBR park.  We could not get any closer.  Nor did our cameras permit a closer zoom-in.  This is the best we could do.

Picture - Sa and I

Zoological name - Psammopilus dorsalis

Was able to identify the lizard here - check the site for better photographs.


  1. I have seen this one somewhere @ Gachibowli too. Looks pretty no ;)

  2. I thought I was leaving a comment here and accidentally left it on your previous post. This is a wonderful site. I wanted to let you know that it is The Nature Site of the Week at Nature Center Magazine.


  3. Thank you Emma. I did check out the site. Will bookmark and be a regular visitor.

  4. Fantastic that you finally found out what it was and the pictures on the other blog show just how beautiful this lizard is!
