Thursday 14 October 2010

Century Plant

Common name :  Agave, Century plant

Originally from Mexico. Now cultivated worldwide.  It has a spreading rosette of gray-green leaves, each with a spiny margin and a heavy spike of big yellow flowers. During flowering, a tall stem or "mast" grows from the center of the leaf rosette and bears a large number of shortly tubular flowers. The plant dies after flowering, but produces suckers  which continue its growth. The average life-span is around 25 years.








It is a common misconception that agaves are cacti. They are not related to cacti.

Botanical name: Agave americana    Family: Agavaceae (agave family)

Info - Wiki and .  Picture taken at Marredpally, Secunderabad.


  1. Lovely picture!

  2. Hi Radha, You changed the look on your blog! Looks good! My agave plants are dying. The have been with me only about 2.5 years.

  3. Thank you. I wanted a plain white template. I think it is easier on the eye. Unfortunately in this theme I cannot change the header.

    And about the plant - this was the first time I saw one flowering.

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