Saturday 23 October 2010

Indian Cork Tree

Common name: Indian Cork Tree, Tree Jasmine

The tree is tall and straight, with  few branches. The wood  is brittle and used as an inferior substitute for true cork.

It blooms from April until the rains and again in November and December.

Flowrs are white and fragrant. Each flower is a tiny bell-shaped , a long slender tube . The flowers are short-lived, the sprays mostly consist largely of long whitish buds.. The long, fragrant flowers are commonly woven into an ornamental braid .

Botanical name: Millingtonia hortensis    Family: Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family)

Picture taken at a parking lot at Necklace Road, Hyderabad.


  1. See so many of these arnd, never knew abt it :) Thank u :)

  2. Nice photos, we do have number of them near the office, in Muscat. Managed to find out the name today only.
