Monday 4 October 2010

Pumpkin family

I am sure this belongs to the Gourd family.  But which one?  Hopefully I shall see the fruit sometime ( it is not growing in my house).  Correction - could be the pumpkin as Swaram has pointed out - same family though - Cucurbitaceae

Botanical name: Cucurbita pepo    Family: Cucurbitaceae (Pumpkin family)
Synonyms: Cucumis pepo

Will write more about the vine after hopefully confirming the fruit.


  1. Looks like sweet pumpkin rt?

  2. Hi, Radha, you have a beautiful blog. The pictures are a delight too. I would like to invite you to the "Gardening A Game!" . Please visit my link below for further info.

  3. To participate in the game, it need not be gardening. It can be anything that you like. Maybe my post has confused you, and for that I'm sorry. You also can choose when you want to play along or not at all ;-)
