Tuesday 28 December 2010

Fishtail Palm

Common name: Fishtail Palm, Jaggery Palm, Toddy Palm, Wine Palm

I wish I had a better picture. There are so many of these in the city. I could not stop and take the one here ( this is from a moving car) since there was a cop who was not allowing people to stop there for some reason -- maybe a VIP visit.

This is a fast growing palm and probably why it is so prevalent. The leaves of the palm - this distinguishes it from other palms - are subdivided and give it the shape of a fish tail and hence the name. Another unique feature are their flowers. the first flowering mop-like cluster emerges from the top of the palm, subsequent clusters emerge below and so on. When the cluster reaches the ground, the palm dies.

Toddy palm is an Asian species commonly grown in India,Burma,Sri Lanka

Botanical name: Caryota urens    Family: Arecaceae (Palm family)

Picture taken at Necklace Road, Hyderabad.


  1. Lovely! There are so many of these along the necklace road pavements!! Nice one.

  2. Hi Radha, I stumbled onto ur other blog. Simple, natural photos.

  3. Palms create too many maintenance problems with the size of the fronds, possibility of accidents, excessive amount of seeds and organic waste, in general.

    I do not recommend any palm to be planted in private residences, no matter how beautiful in each beholder. But if you have the time, a wood shredder, a really high ladder to climb, time and stamina...do not mind my words.

  4. We have so many residences here that have palms in their gardens. I thought they were low maintenance!!
