Monday 17 January 2011

Foxtail Asparagus

Common name: Asparagus Fern, Sprenger Asparagus, Foxtail Asparagus

Though called asparagus fern, this weed ( yes it is  a weed , but cultivated for ornamental purposes!) belongs to the lilly family.  It is a drooping bushy plant and hence the name - fox tail.

It has stiff branches and tiny scale like leaves.  I had a foxtail for years and never saw the flowers, till I spotted these tiny white flowers and berries in the plant that was in my SIL's garden.

The flowers are white or slightly pinkish.  And it has red berries.

When planted in the ground it can be invasive and are ideal for pots and hanging baskets.

Common name: Asparagus Fern, Sprenger Asparagus, Foxtail Asparagus


  1. This South African plant was one that Jan Van Riebeeck planted to provide fresh vegetables for the ships of the Dutch East India company when Cape Town was founded. The how and what you eat has faded into myth, but I guess you COULD eat the new growth like slender asparagus spears.

  2. Thanks for dropping by... and adding so much info too!

  3. A weed??? It must be one of the most beautiful weeds I've come across.

  4. Ornamental Asparagus are among my favorites, in my wide collection. This one is excellent for hanging baskets or any context not flat on the ground. I do like the columnar variety and another looking even more like a fern...

    Besides the aesthetic value all, are resistant to heat, disease and drought, in my zone 11, one mile from the Atlantic, in the Caribbean.

    Nice post.

  5. Oh, I love this one! I have one plant in a pot, it's about 7-8 years old. It doesn't grow big. Maybe, I need to replace soil more often. It spends summer outsidde, and I overwinter it in the garage. I can't believe it's a weed!

  6. I just purchased one of these. I have the lower growing spreading types in the garden...they are not too much trouble, yet. I found you through blotanical.
