Saturday 19 March 2011


Flowers in white, pink, purple,sometimes with contrasting rings.  Very colourful.   Belonging to the sunflower family.

Botanical name: Pericallis x hybrida    Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)

Photographed in Lodi Gardens, New Delhi. 

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  1. i was struck by the beauty of these flowers when i saw them at lalbagh last august.
    Is Lodi Gardens nice to visit? i must make a note to see it when i go to Delhi next. you have quite a few pictures from there

  2. Lodi Gardens is lovely. You must make a visit. May not be like Lalbaug, but then the vast greenery is so soothing to the eye. And historical monuments too. Come armed with sandwiches and stay atleast for half a day.
