Saturday 23 April 2011

Jacaranda Tree

I love the purple-blue of the Jacaranda flower.  It is so soothing to the eye and the trees are so tall and lovely.

Common name: Blue Jacaranda • Hindi: Neeli gulmohur

Not native to India, but cultivated for ornamental purposes.  I read that if the tree receives too much water the leaves appear first and the beauty of the flower is lost!  After flowering, woody disc shaped seed pods appear.

This was photographed at Secunderabad Club. 

Botanical name: Jacaranda mimosifolia     Family: Bignoniaceae (jacaranda family)

Since the tree was tall and I could not take the picture of the flower at close quarters and till I get one sometime in future, I am putting up one from the here. ( seen below)


  1. love the colour of jacarandas!
    did you find the name of the tree with white flowers that you were looking for?

  2. Jacaranda and Laburnum are beautiful summer flowering trees.
    And no, I have still not identified the tree.

  3. That's a beauty! Sometimes I look on the ground to see if there are any flowers which has dropped so that I could take a photo. Of course, it wouldn't look the same.

    Glad to see you around. If you like to play with words, come and see if you have any captions for my latests post. :) See you.

  4. This is my favourite flowering tree, Ma.
