Thursday 28 July 2011

Monkey Puzzle Tree

I almost missed the tree in the pouring  rain ( the picture does not show the rain!) but the strange branches caught my eye and then the board with the name.  Monkey Puzzle Tree????  I had to take a picture.  Wish I had taken a better one, but I was worried the camera would be drenched.

A native of Argentina and Chile the tree is  found everywhere in the world!  I read there is one in the Ooty Botanical Gardens.  The tree is supposed to grow up to 70-100 ft and the shape resembles that of a Christmas tree.  The name              ( attributed) is thought to have originated in Europe in 1800s when someone is supposed to have remarked that the tree branches would have even puzzled a monkey - it  would have to figure out how to climb it!  And the name stuck.

The leaves are dark green, and stiff like needles.

Botanical name - Araucaria araucana

Picture taken at Benmore Gardens, Scotland.


  1. This is not just a monkey puzzling tree but also human puzzling with its twists and curls! Thanks for dropping by today. When I think of trees, I think of you. But I notice you have been posting a lot of awesome looking flowers lately.

  2. Just back from a holiday in the UK and have loads of pictures of beautiful flowers and trees. There are more to come!
