Monday 15 August 2011

Australian Bottle Plant

Common Name : Buddha Belly Plant, Pyhsic Nut.  A native of tropical America.

Australian bottle plant so called because it has a bottle shaped trunk thought to resemble the Buddha Belly!  This one is a realively small plant and the trunk was like this.  
It has tiny flowers occuring in clusters,  that are coral shaped placed on long stems .  The leaves are large and lobed. The flowers are found almost throughtout the year.

These pictures were taken at Gun Rock Colony, Secunderabad.
Botanical name: Jatropha podagrica
Family: Euphorbiaceae (Castor family)


  1. I know this plant but I didn't know it's called the Buddha's belly. Interesting!

  2. I live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and have one of these in my front yard that is over 6 foot tall. I often asked what it is and get comments on its unusual base.

  3. 6 feet tall! I guess the base must be very pronounced in such a large plant.

  4. I bought one for my office about ten years ago. I was near Washington, D.C. I bought it to the Wilmington/Southport area of North Carolina seven years ago. I have just found a second one in my garden! What a surprise! But - six feet - Going to need a much bigger pot!
