Tuesday 5 January 2010


I always thought this shrub belonged to the Poinsettia family.  I now know better.  Picture taken at Shilparamam, Hyderabad. Now read on...

The mussaenda is an evergreen shrub related to coffee trees and native to Asia. It may be a rather small shrub, or large to 30 feet, like a small tree. It has silky, hairy, soft medium-green leaves. The plant's color comes from bracts and not the small, often yellow, white or orange, flowers at the center of each bract. Bracts may be seen in several colors including rose, white, red, pale pink and some mixtures.

Botanical name: Mussaenda erythophylla Family: Rubiaceae (coffee family)
Info- Flowers of India.


  1. Wow! U hv a very interesting blog here :)

  2. Hi! Nice blog here!! :)
    Check out: http://miami-dade.ifas.ufl.edu/pdfs/ornamental/ornamental_publications/Mussaendas_for_SFLandscapes.pdf. The plant in your photos could actually be Mussaenda "Queen Sirkit" instead of the "pure" M. erythrophylla. I thought it might be interesting to know!! :D
