Thursday 2 September 2010

Moon Cactus /Lollypop Cactus

Common name - Moon Cactus, Lollypop Cactus, Plaid Cactus

This is  a grafted cactus.  Grafting is done to keep the top colourful one alive.  It wouldn't be able to survive on its own since there is no chlorophyll.  The bottom one has the chlorophyll and the roots to keep the top portion going.  One would think since it is a cactus it will grow in harsh sunlight. But that will only cause the plant to burn.  Sunlight is essential but only in the morning or the evening hours.  Mild watering is required.

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii

Picture taken an Nong Nooch, Pattaya, Thailand.


  1. Saw a few of these colourful ones @ Spar recently :) I ws planning to buy them sometime soon ;)

    Very pretty :)

  2. We bought one too at a horticulture show. But the one we bought did not last too long. Do check out how to take proper care of them. Plenty of advice online

  3. Lovely picture! And yes the pretty one we bought never lasted.

  4. Hi,
    I just stumbled on your blog through blotanist. Beautiful pictures. Surprisingly I have not found your blog on google before.

  5. Thank you. The blog is more of a space to upload the pictures and keep a record of the plants. Not really bothered about getting traffic here, but at the same time do feel glad when someone does visit the blog.

  6. Wow! Great capture!
    Never seen something like this before. :)

  7. I found your blog via Blotanical. Welcome to the blotanical community of garden bloggers! This picture of so many cactuses is fabulous. I have always thought that the red one on top is a cactus flower!

  8. Great.I think I will come here frequently to copy pictures for my morning mails.Lols
