Saturday 11 September 2010

Silver Vase Bromeliad

Daiv of Cactiguide helped me identify this plant.

Aechmea fasciata is also known as the silver vase bromeliad. It is an epiphytic bromeliad which is native to Brazil. It has vase-shaped rosettes of silver-green leaves.  It is about 2 ft  tall, has silver-green leaves and an inflorescence made of pink bracts and tiny blue and red flowers. ( Almost looks like the matchstick flower that I saw at Mysore).  This plant is commonly grown indoors.

Picture taken at Nong Nooch Gardens, Thailand.

Info - and


  1. This Silver Vase Bromeliad is very pretty. Why Silver when its pink> :)

  2. The silver - because of the leaves it appears. The ones in pink are the bracts, though you are right - it appears more like the vase than the leaves, but then I guess we did not name the plant!
