Wednesday 10 November 2010

Australian Gold Vine

Common name: Australian Gold Vine, Shower of gold climber, Vining Galphimia, Vining Milkweed

Golden yellow star shaped flowers that grow on a vine.  Has red stamens. This is the first time I have seen this vine.  The flowers seem very delicate apparently because of the lovely subdued yellow colour.

Botanical name: Tristellateia australasiae    Family: Malpighiaceae (Barabados cherry family).

Picture taken at Hitex Convention Centre, Hyderabad.

The four pillars on the outside of the pavillion had four different climbers.


  1. I am amazed at the different varieties u show us here. This is so pretty!

    Just curious. If u do not know the name of a plant, how do u look for it? Some book? It's not easy searching on google too rt?

  2. I found this site - type in google - flowers of india - I have also provided the link on the blog. You can search for the flower by colour. There are pages and pages of flowers of different colours. But I love browsing them till I identify the flower/tree. Once you find the name, type it out again in google search, and it will lead you to other similar sites. But flowers other than those in India can be quite tiring to identify, you have to use right search terms and it can be frustrating. I hope you too take up flower identification as a hobby.

  3. Thank you. It's frustrating not knowing the names of plants in my garden. I'll look up the website.

  4. I know. Knowing their names and a little more makes a walk in the garden a lot more rewarding.
