Saturday 6 November 2010

Devil's Tree

Common name: Dita bark, Devil tree, Blackboard tree,  Milkwood pine

Native to India and SE Asia.  Commonly believed to be the abode of the Devil!  And in some villages, people are afraid to sit under this tree.

The botanical name Alstonia scholaris is interesting. Alstonia to honour a great botanist Prof. C Alston, and Scholaris because it's wood is traditionally been used to make wooden slates for children.

In October, the greenish fragrant flowers appear. 

 The bark constituents were considered an alternative for treatment of malaria.

Whether it is an abode of the devil or not, it is a beautiful tree even when not flowering.

Botanical name: Alstonia scholaris    Family: Apocynaceae (oleander family)

Info -, Wiki

Picture taken at Necklace Road, Hyderabad.


  1. Wonder why it is referred to as 'devil's tree, it is so beautiful!

  2. Very beautiful!! Don't ever remember seeing it.

  3. It has been there for years actually!

  4. Some folklore I guess. It is really a 'good looking' tree, the leaves by themselves are in a beautiful arrangement.

  5. Oh I never knew it is called so!
    Ur header is beautiful :)

  6. Thank you. Header picture was taken by my daughter at Lake District in the UK

  7. It's beautiful. Just went through your last few posts. All your photos are beautiful. Did you change your camera? I think the white background make the photos stand out more than before.

  8. Thank you. No, I did not change the camera. I realised , after visiting other blogs that the white background is easier on the eye , so I kept changing themes , and I think as of now, this is good enough. I also have learnt how to crop and reduce the brightness if required using Picasa. Am learning all the time.

  9. very informative site. i was very happy to learn all details. thank you.

  10. thank you. I hope you update your photo gallery too.
