Tuesday 15 February 2011

Indian Snakeweed

Common name: Indian Snakeweed, Blue snakeweed, Nettle-leaved vervain

Strange that a plant, by name Indian Snakeweed, is not only cultivated in a pot, and also being sold at the horticulture exhibition - this one was for Rs 50/-.

But the stalkless flowers that grow on a spike are pretty.  I saw a couple of them being bought.  Of course the name of the plant was not displayed. 

This plant is known to attract butterflies because of its sweet nectar.

 Botanical name: Stachytarpheta indica    Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena family)


  1. What a lovely picture! The stem resembles broccoli

  2. very pretty. does it have a fragrance? you must post on what kind of butterflies it attracts

  3. I'm sorry, I have no clue - either about the fragrance or the butterflies. There was such a crowd at the exhibition, I could not get very close and the butterfly bit, I read about it in more than two or more descriptions of the flower on the net.

  4. I spent so many years trying to find out the name of this plant. Thank you. May god bless you with so very much. Thank you thank you thank you. This plant grows wildly in my garden and needs such little care. I got from a roadside hill. It attracts small purple bees. I don't know about butterflies though.
