Tuesday 8 February 2011


Common name: Poinsettia, Christmas plant, Lobster plant

This species of Euphorbiaceae has one thing in common. The degeneration of flowers. The flowers are rounded in the centre and almost look as buds. What makes the plant attractive are the bracts or modified leaves which are a lovely red colour.

Botanical name: Euphorbia pulcherrima    Family: Euphorbiaceae (castor family)

The species name - pulcherrima - means beautiful.  As the plant adds a lot of color and beauty to a garden.

The picture is of bunched poinsettia plants kept at the Horticulture exhibition, Necklace Road.


  1. It is funny, but I never really thought about poinsettia in the garden. They are quite pretty and do not grow quite as perfectly as the ones raised for the Christmas trade. Also, I never heard of it called Lobster plant. You made the ordinary a little extra ordinary today.

  2. I read that somewhere. I too thought the Heliconia plant was refered to as lobster plant. Atleast the christmas plant makes sense.
